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Citrus Aurantium

Update: 2015/3/26      View:
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6~60% Synephrine -HPLC
Citrus Aurantium (Zhi shi)
Common name: Bitter Orange
Parts used and where grown: Citrus Aurantium is commonly referred to as bitter orange. Zhi shi is the immature dried fruit of citrus aurantium and as green orange, sour orange and bitter orange in other parts of the world. It distribute in warm and tropical areas and both hemispheres.
Synephrine is chemically very similar to the ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine found in many OTC cold / allergy medications and in a number of weight loss and energy supplements which contain ephedra (Ma huang).
Historical or traditional use: Citrus Aurantium has bee used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat chest congestion and stimulate gastrointestinal functions and help stimulate the Qi (energy force).
Active constituents: Citrus Aurantium or Bitter Orange, enhances energy and has a stimulating effect. It is derived from citrus rinds harvested while still green. At its nutritional peak, Citrus Aurantium is very rich in Flavanoids and synephrine (it's main constituents). These two compounds in conjunction produce an energizing and stimulating effect within the body.
Extracts from Citrus Aurantium contain a rare combination of five adrenergic amines: synephrine, N-methyltyramine, hordenine, octopamine, and tyramine. These amines stimulate beta-3 cell receptors with minimal effect on other alpha and beta receptors. Stimulation of these beta-3 receptors elicits the breakdown of fat. Simultaneously, this stimulation causes an increase in the metabolic rate –-thermogenesis without affecting heart rate or blood pressure. Citrus Aurantium may also act as an appetite suppressant.
Synephrine offers the same positive effects as ephedra without the downside. The major benefits of synephrine over ma huang are that synephrine does not cause cardiac arrhythmia (heart palpitations), heart disease, muscle disturbances, nervousness or elevate blood pressure, which are all problems common with ephedra (Ma huang).
Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants with anti-blood-clotting properties. Scientists believe their positive effects on countering oxygen-caused damage in the body-such as fatty tissue deposits-can help avoid heart problems, promote better circulation, and overall better health as free radicals in the body are eliminated.
Scientific Support: The effects of synephrine alone or in combination with other ingredients such as kola nut and guarana (both are caffeine sources) or with salicylates such as white willow (a natural form of aspirin) generally fall into the category of acting as a mild stimulant. The extract of citrus aurantium, in addition to synephrine, also contains tyramine and octopamine. Octopamine may be related in some way to appetite control, as it is thought to influence insect behavior by stopping bugs from eating the citrus fruit (so if you’re an insect, this may be the perfect weight loss supplement for you). Importantly, each of these related compounds (synephrine, ephedrine and octopamine) can result in elevated blood pressure.
A recent study conducted in dogs suggests that synephrine and octopamine can increase metabolic rate in a specific type of fat tissue known as brown adipose tissue (BAT). This effect would be expected to increase fat loss in humans – except for one small details – adult humans don’t have brown adipose tissue.
How much is usually taken? Because synephrine is but one small component of the Citrus Aurantium fruit, a standardized extract is recommended. A dose of 4-20 mg of synephrine per day is a typical dose found in products providing 200-600 mg of a standardized Citrus Aurantium extract (4-6% synephrine).
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