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Shiitake Mushroom

Update: 2015/4/16      View:
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10~30% Polysaccharides (beta-glucan)
Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes)
Shiitake mushrooms were originally grown on natural oak logs found in Japan. Today they are available in the United States. These mushrooms are large, black-brown, and have an earthy rich flavor. This fungus is eaten in foods like stir-fries, soups and as a meat substitute. Shiitake contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, soluble fiber, vitamins (A, B, B12, C, D, niacin), and minerals. Commercial preparations often use the powdered mycelium of the mushroom before the cap and stem grow. This preparation is calledLentinus edodes mycelium extract (LEM).


Uses:These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.


Cancer (when taken with chemotherapy),  HIV (adjunct treatment)


Genital warts (Condyloma acuminatum)


*Key to gradesA: Strong scientific evidence for this use; B: Good scientific evidence for this use; C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use; D: Fair scientific evidence against this use; F: Strong scientific evidence against this use

Avoid if allergic or hypersensitive to shiitake mushrooms. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Possible side effects:
Abnormal blood cell counts (granulocytopenia), anaphaylactoid allergic reaction (life-threatening), back pain, bloating, chest pain, chills, depression, diarrhea, dry throat, fever, increased liver enzymes, increased sensitivity to sunlight, leg pain, pneumonitis (lung inflammation), rash, rigor, stomach discomfort, toxic epidermal necrolysis (life-threatening skin disorder).
Possible interactions:
Cholesterol-lowering drugs, drugs that increase the risk of bleeding (like warfarin), chemotherapy drugs, cyclooxygenase inhibitors, drugs that are broken down the liver, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), photosensitizing drugs, and herbs or supplements with similar effects.
Adults (18 years and older):
Taken by mouth:
1-3g of Lentinus edodes mycelium (LEM) has been taken 2-3 times daily.
4g of shiitake powder has been taken daily for 10 weeks.
Intravenou (injected into a vein):
Lentinan has been given at intravenously in dosed of 1mg-10mg in a week by qualified healthcare providers.
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